A witch is someone who practices witchcraft: there are no other qualifiers. But when you don’t have any major needs that call for flexing those magickal muscles, it can be difficult to find ways to practice witchcraft every single day, let alone even once a week. To that end, here are 15 simple and highly practical ways that you can use witchcraft every day.
Regular practice, even with simple exercises like these, is crucial in keeping your skills up and building ability. It’s the one thing that you can do that will make you be a better witch, no matter how old you are, what books you’ve read, or how many shinies and skulls you have littered across your workbench. So, if you claim to be a witch then back that shit up with some regular and consistent witchcraft practice. Let these ideas be a springboard to help you develop the mindset to where you can see the magickal potential of nearly every activity in your life.
There are so many more ways that you can use magick every day to not just keep your skills up, but to improve your life. These are really just meant as simple ideas that you can implement right now. I hope that they serve you well and inspire you to implement greater magickal means in your everyday life. That way, when it’s time to pull out the big guns, you can do so without reservation, knowing your accuracy and ability are right where you need them to be. Want more practical witchery ideas?
1/13/2017 10:27:22 am
This is wonderful, Althaea.
1/13/2017 10:28:17 am
busyness not business but interesting error. ;)
1/13/2017 11:27:53 am
I'm not surprised you are, em! :) I've gotten in the habit of doing a few things prior to divination (which is new for me, as I used to just get on with it) but my pre-writing ritual is comprised of little more than hiding from my children right now. lol That is an interesting error, very appropriate (and makes me think of people who make it there business to look busy yet accomplish little to nothing. Hmm...) 4/6/2017 11:39:36 am
This is perfect for a very bbusy witch like me who can hardly find time anymore to focus on potion making, tarot reading, and other witchy stuff. Thank you.
4/23/2017 02:46:44 pm
You're very welcome, Flame!
6/27/2017 07:42:31 am
Thank you, Michelle! I hope they prove useful for you.
7/6/2017 08:50:35 am
This was absolutely wonderful!! It definitely inspired me so much! I wish there was more. Do you have any other social media that I can follow you on?
7/6/2017 03:51:18 pm
Thank you so much, Michelina! Why can I never find info on male witches? Is it unheard of to be a hetero male drawn to Wiccan and Witchcraft lifestyles, beliefs, and doings? I was born and grew up well before this infological time period we are now in so my knowledge on these subjects may not be as much as most but my drive, desire, and longing for knowledge is as much, if not more, than many. If any ways you may be able to strengthen my knowledge and supply nourishment for my growth it would be greatly appreciated and put to honorable use. Thank you very much for your time in this matter.
7/11/2017 10:09:08 pm
Hello Larry, 7/31/2017 02:27:57 am
This is a very useful and practical article, thanks for sharing! Sometimes I berate myself for not practicing my craft every day... after reading this I realise that yes I do practice every day - it has become so much a part of my daily routine that I don't notice! Lammas Blessings, friends!
8/4/2017 04:12:02 pm
Thank you, Catherine! :)
Patty Nepereny
9/5/2017 03:59:14 pm
I am new at witchcraft and I do so appreciate your help
9/7/2017 11:20:11 am
All of my life it seems like I have done these things automatically and I have never practiced ! I don't like to call myself a witch per say but I know for sure that I am not normal! What am I, if I'm not a witch?
9/7/2017 01:19:21 pm
Much like the points expressed in this post, it is a rarely spoken fact that there are many, many people who come to witchcraft with no awareness of what they are doing or that there are other witches in the world. Yet, what they are doing works and they have a compulsion to keep doing those things. Like you, I was one of these people and had been practicing witchcraft for a good five years before I had ever heard of Wicca or was aware that other witches existed. But I had a flourishing and productive practice that produced results. I could not argue that I was not a witch.
10/5/2017 01:21:54 pm
I find the way you present your thoughts refreshing! It's a true reflection of your personality and brings a "realness" to researching the Craft. This is the fourth consecutive article/post I've read today. GREAT tips for those of us who want to do more magick but have incredibly busy lives. Thanks!
10/6/2017 10:54:20 pm
Thank you so much, Clo! If there is anything in particular (infowise) that you're looking for, let me know. I can point you to a previous article or put it in the list of ideas for future posts and books (everything I write wants to become a book lately. lol)
10/18/2017 05:33:57 pm
Love this!
10/19/2017 11:03:20 pm
Very versatile! I have a small collection of appropriately colored tea cups that I do similar with -currently enjoying lemon ginger tea in my red cup and so much fire energy. :D
8/3/2018 06:23:21 am
thank you!!! blessed-be
10/22/2018 02:14:56 pm
I have been a witch for a few years and I stopped practicing for a few more years.. and honestly I miss witchcraft, but I just didn't know how to get back into it. I feel nervous and uncomfortable calling myself a witch. But, your article makes it seem very possible for me to practice regularly. That is all I felt was missing. I am so glad I found this article and will be referencing it for a little while! Thank you so much for writing!!! 12/20/2019 11:30:44 am
I like how you said that regularly practicing witchcraft rituals is a great way to increase our abilities. My sister and I have been thinking about buying some Pagan supplies and witchcraft tools online so we can start discovering the art of witchcraft together. Thanks for sharing some simple practice ideas we can use to develop our skills!
12/24/2019 03:24:13 pm
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