This post is part of a sporadic series on Working with Spirits. The first post in this series was Making Friends with the Genius Loci, providing an introduction to the nature and variety of spirits and how to begin forming a relationship with the spirits of the land. The second post, Death Midwifery, explored what the work of a Death Midwife entails and some of my personal experience in this role. The third and previous post was Acknowledging the Spirits in your Home. It looked at the problematic view within the magickal community of removing all spirits from a new home, as well as how to build and maintain a relationship with the spirits already present within your home. In this post, we’ll take a look at how to begin building a personal relationship with a Deity through respectful interaction and why the plug-and-play approach to “working” with Deities is disrespectful, inherently flawed, and ineffective within a religious witchcraft framework.
There are few relationships that can have as transformative an effect on your life as that with a Deity. More than any other spirit, the bonds that are forged between you and a God or Goddess touch most, if not all, aspects of your life, and spur profound changes within you. |
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January 2023