It has been quite a while since I've posted a new article, a problem that I am happy to say has been remedied today! And despite a Mercury retrograde, I am mostly finished with tweaking the website. Just little changes here and there, a search bar, some photos, and a footer filled with handy little links to various places on the site. There will be a few more changes coming, nothing major, and probably nothing that anyone other than me will notice.
So, now that I've shaken most of the dust off the website, I will also be posting articles regularily, every Full Moon, as well as blogging regularily, too. If you happen to notice anything glitchy, let me know, or if you have any suggestions for making the Articles page easier to navigate and/or user friendly, do also let me know (that page continues to stump me...) Wishing you all a productive Full Moon, without too many surprises. Namaste, Althaea Sunlight brought the taste of Spring but night-wind brings the smell of Winter, still clutching vainly to the Earth -a reminder to us that a promise is not a guarantee and that the pendulum swings both ways. Though progress is the way, the nature is cyclic; one must always return to the place they came from but no one does so unprepared.
And so my thoughts run this Saturn retrograde. The past returns but not solely for introspection and analization; the Waxing Moon encourages manifestation. Consider the past, but remember the present; be whole as you plan for the future. It's been nearly 8 months since my last proper blog post, and as I mentioned in my last brief post, so very much has happened since then. There were some rather bumpy moments, moments when I was truly scared and not sure how things were going to work out, or if they even could. However, one of my mottoes, if that's truly the proper term, is that there is always a solution*. I also have profound faith in my Gods; I'm a good little priestess and They have yet to not help when I sincerely asked, and as a witch I couldn't allow for anything other than for things to work out.
We were lucky. Things falling into place just as they needed to, money arriving unexpectedly when so desperately needed, and through it all my husband and I managed to not entirely lose our bearings (hell, we even managed moments of optimism and joy.) Like I said, we were very lucky. The time between this and my last post is concerning to me. But due to an unfortunate incident with a laptop the situation was rather unavoidable. Thankfully, that situation has been remedied and now with a functioning computer seated firmly beneath my fingertips, I am trying to make up for loss time.
My goal, at present, is to finish up with all the techy bits by the Full Moon. So far, this means just prettying up the place and cleaning up the navigation (it also means a snazzy new search bar at the top right, which I'm thrilled about.) I'm also trying to come up with a better way to organize the Articles page as it seems clumsy to me (suggestions appreciated!) Starting at the following Dark Moon, I will resume posting regular articles, aiming for every Dark Moon; expect blog post as the inspiration comes. Many changes have happened in my life since my last post, so, in the interest of catharsis and polite gossip, I will be posting a catch-up post soon, too. Untilt then, may today's Dark Moon treat you gently. Namaste, Althaea |
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January 2023