And so it was the longest night came to pass. A glowing beacon of promise and hope, the Sun slowly emerged from the loving embrace of the Goddess and took its first radiant steps across the Sky. Even Winter, in recognition of the Sun's gradual return to power, bows in respect; the snows melt a little and puddles fail to freeze.
One of the foundational beliefs in my family's Tradition is non-dualism, that is, this world is not separate from that of the spiritual. So, while we do recognize the existence of multiple planes of existence, parallel realities, and such, we see them as all being right here, right now. Everything is connected, a part of the same Greater All, and completely inseparable. The only distinction is that which we make within our own minds and thus reflect outward through our perceptions (we choose what we see, we create our own realities.)
The Winter Solstice is literally just around the corner and oh, so auspiciously occurring within hours of not just a Full Moon, but a Total Lunar Eclipse, visible to most of the planet. So, while this all sounds terribly exciting and momentous, what does it actually mean to the magickally inclined?
I have personally always been captivated by the Winter season. It is during this time that we are truly reminded of our frailty, our mortality. The chilling cold grips us, tears into us, felt bone deep. All thoughts are ripped away and we can only stand there and shiver, not so much from the cold, but from the chilling reminder of what it means to be human. None of it matters, everything we've accomplished, everything we have, it can all be taken away in an instant. Priorities become clear as the ice that grips the land. The cold reminds of us our connections, that we are a part of this land, and that all we really have are the people around us.
Recent events have definitely given me some food for thought in regards to teaching the next two children magick. First off: place more emphasis on cause and effect. Second: avoid weather magick.
It was snowing lightly this morning, just a small dusting swirling about, like living in a giant snowglobe. The children noticed fairly quickly and began singing one of our Winter songs. Titus said that the song was making it snow harder. Lo and behold, there were obviously more snowflakes in the air, and much larger, too.
I can't help but feel as if there some indication for improvement in the general standings of things coming. This last Dark Moon has affected me quite strongly and quite differently than usual. I've been unable to sleep the last few night, easy enough to blame on pregnancy derived comfort issues, but that hasn't been the case at all; I lay in bed, comfy, exhausted, and wide awake.
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January 2023