This is part one of a short series on Practical Prosperity Magick. This series will focus on what we mean by prosperity, ethics of working magick for personal gain, short-term vs long-term focus for magick, and will wrap up with a handful of tried and true short-term prosperity magick techniques.
20 Simple yet Effective Cleansing & Purification TechniquesThis marks the fourth and final post in a series on Cleansing & Purification. This series has taken a surprisingly in-depth look at these two subjects specifically within the context of witchcraft and how they are relevant to witches. The first post in this series was What is Ritual Pollution? Understanding Miasma and Ritual Purity, looking at those activities in witchcraft that can cause the need for cleansing or purificatory work. The second was Signs & Symptoms of Miasma, helping you to recognize ritual pollution within yourself. And the third was Cleansing & Purification: What’s the Difference? providing a nuanced look at the function -and limitations- of these two techniques in order to accurately differentiate between the two. This post puts all of those words into action by providing you with twenty different cleansing and purification techniques.
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January 2023