I have been reviewing my reading weekly for a few weeks now, and it is beautiful to see how it unfolds differently each week! I now have a more distinct path to follow and I am excited to see how this journey unfolds! -Donna |
First read through of my reading some parts instantly clicked and I started feeling those good tears coming. It feels great to read that I’m working to what I want. The reading has allowed me to think about how to go on with my goals and even given some closure. It will take time for some parts to click but I know I’ll notice when those do happen in my life and I can’t wait to work with Althaea again. -Des |
Getting a reading was one of the best choices I made. Over a year later and pieces are still falling in place. I highly recommend Althaea if/when a reading is available. The work is heavy and worth it. Thank you for all you do and thank you to Those you worked with to help me. -Scott
It seems strange to say one can "feel energy" coming from a PDF, but that's exactly what happened when I received my ancestor reading from Althaea. I could immediately feel the energy from the reading as soon as I opened it. Althaea went through each piece of the reading thoroughly, and included some recommended practices for me. I feel more prepared to move ahead with connecting with my ancestors now, and was able to get important insight at a level I am not yet able to on my own. I am so grateful! |
I was fortunate to discover Althaea’s services a couple of years ago. I say ‘fortunate’ but really I believe it was the Spirits leading me to her. Even though I’m an academic, I’m not ashamed to admit that I have been ripped off in the past by numerous charlatans and con artists but let me affirm - Althaea is absolutely the REAL DEAL. Her spiritual insight is intelligent, thoughtful and given with a straightforward honesty; all of which is a perfect canvas for the truth she relays. She is so very accurate in her assessments and predictions but never judges or condescends to her clients. Every time a space opens for her readings, I leap at them with gusto because her insight and guidance is truly a blessing in my life. -Dr. V |
I was amazed at the depth of Lady's Althaea's bone reading. My question involved choosing between paths that lay before me. I had expected an answer that simply made one stand out above the others. However, not only did her reading do that, but it also addressed several aspects of the situation that I had not even mentioned or considered on my own. It wasn't just an answer, it was also a psychological review and emotional support guidance.
It was such a detailed and accurate reading that here I am six months later, my situation has changed significantly in some ways, but everything in the reading is still accurate and insightful.
As if that wasn't enough, she didn't just send me the overall response. Her reading included pictures and an explanation of what the different parts of the spread meant. I found it intriguing to see how all the pieces worked together and reassuring that she didn't just invent an answer that I might like.
If you ever get an opportunity to have Lady Althaea do a reading for you do not hesitate. She is clearly an expert in her craft and such rare skill should not be passed by. You might not ever get another chance.
I have never had a bone reading done before, but I reached out to Althaea for a bone reading after following her work for some time. I respect her expertise, skill and knowledge and her bone reading did not disappoint. I am at a crossroads concerning multiple challenges in my life at the moment, and Althaea's reading made me feel seen, held, and let me exhale. It opened my heart and gave me strength to move forward. I feel hopeful and sure, even though I am moving towards a lot of unknowns. This reading was detailed, with explanations and pictures included, and as someone who loves processes and the "why" behind practices, this was amazing. This reading will be one I will be coming back to again and again! Thank you so much Althaea! -Jen K. |
I highly recommend a bone reading by Lady Althaea. I had chosen the Ancestral Reading - wishing to connect with my ancestors and begin to develop and strengthen my relationship with them. The reading was detailed and insightful, enlightening and honest, providing me with much-needed guidance, direction, and clarity. There is no doubt Althaea is skilled in her craft. If you are searching for the same or something else she may offer, look to Lady Althaea for what you seek. |
The reading was incredibly on point. I asked for direction and clarity and it came back with specifics, homework and advice that I needed to hear. Deeply felt every word and was grateful for gentle but no nonsense advice. Thank you! -Sarah |
Althaea's bone readings are always thorough and thoughtful, but the thing I find most remarkable is how well they age, like a fine wine. When I receive a bone reading I read through it at once, then usually put it away for a time because I've found that when I come back to them after a certain elapsed time, they've only grown in profundity. That's recently been the case with a reading I got a month ago. I read it again today after a month and although it was familiar I'd swear there was new content. There wasn't. There was just the gradual unfolding of meaning that time brought to what the bones said and to what Althaea saw in them. -PJ |
Somehow I thought bones would be stricter, but this was a very gentle reading, one that took me by the hand and sat with me to help me accept where I am at right now, put my issues in their proper perspective and point out ways I can make some things better. I've read through it several times over the last week, and I can't ever get through without crying, but they're tears that need to fall as I reach for a place of acceptance and healing. Thank you, Althaea. -Ellen
My readings have been so accurate and insightful. I always get honest feedback and a viewpoint of my life I couldn’t get otherwise. It’s true clarity that’s much appreciated. -Kelsey |
The Ancestral Reading Service changed my life. The guidance my Ancestors offered thanks to Althaea and her set of bones gave me so much strength: I can now heal my family trauma by healing myself. Every day I make sure to focus on the Bone Reading Althaea did for me, because each time I am able to discover new messages and details useful for my personal inner growth. I want Althaea to know how thankful I am to her and that what she did for me is invaluable. -Barbara |
I am at a crossroad as I shed layers of who others think I should be and what I feel deep in my heart I need to be. I needed an objective observer to bring clarity and focus while I was swimming in all of the noise, both inside and outside myself.
The In-Depth reading gave me the keys to unlocking a deep understanding within. The reading was accurate in that it was able to name what I could not name. Althaea's direct, clear, and impartial reading was grounding, solidifying and affirming. The reading was remarkably validating, and a shift quickly occurred. It wasn't this buzzing shift, it was a rooted and substantial shift for me. The reading is a talisman to keep me focused and grounded, and just what I needed to push me to accept what the insecure ego wanted me to reject. Whew! Thank you very much! -Tahnia
I was amazed by the precision and depth of the bone reading Althaea did for me about my spiritual path. The insights provided a framework to consider my current efforts as well as an honest assessment of potential challenges. I will be referencing this reading again and again. -Jessica |
My reading reflected back what I had been thinking and feeling for a while now. I know there will be challenges and my focus is becoming more clear as I map out my path. I am looking forward to rising like a phoenix when my lessons are complete and wisdom has been gained. Thank you Althaea. :-) -Vicki |
The past year has been a whirlwind of change and difficulty and I found myself at a point where I needed a push in the right direction. I had been eyeing Lady Althea's Bone Reading offering for some time and on one particular day when I was deep in thought looking for direction, I happened to then stumble on a link to purchase the Bone Reading. When the reading arrived, I read it a few different times and each time a new aspect jumped out to me. Lady Althea is truly great at reading and giving you just what you need to hear. In the reading she touched on things that rang true from the past and the present.... some things relating to my inquiry caught me off guard and we some hard truths for me. But, those truths and guidance was exactly what I needed to hear. In the future I plan to review the reading and so far each time I do, I feel the subtle, yet strong, pull in the right direction. Thank you. -Jesse
Thank you so much for my reading. The guidance and validation you have given me are deeply felt. I really couldn't see the forest for the trees. Now I have a better understanding of myself and a starting point for the future. Again, thank you and the spirits for showing me the path. You have an extraordinary gift. |
The in-depth bone reading I received addressed the crux of my issues perfectly and gave me the clarity I’d been seeking to move forward with my life in the way most beneficial to me. I am profoundly grateful for the information I received in the reading, as it provided me with the confidence and direction that I’d been lacking before. Thank you so much, Althaea! |
Full disclosure: I had no idea what to expect from a bone reading. I've had both psychic readings and tarot readings aplenty, but bone reading? Hm. Colour me intrigued. Now, I've been a fan girl for Althaea for a while now, and I've done almost all of her courses. So I already knew how awesome she is. But still... a bone reading...would it help get some much-needed clarity? Short answer: yes. I didn't expect literally anything that came through, so you won't get the usual divination messages you normally get, but a lot of what came through was of the "whoa...I'd never thought of it THAT way before" variety. It was largely rooted in my lived experience in a way I've never had from a tarot reading before. It genuinely felt personal to ME. Sure, it might not have been what I wanted to hear, but what were the chances of that happening?! What I do next with the information is entirely up to me, of course, but Althaea has given me a lot of food for thought, as well as suggestions for how to use the contents of the reading for further exploration. This is a reading I can see myself coming back to again and again. -Icy Sedgwick
My Bone Reading was done in late May when Covid Lockdown was still impacting life here in Metro New York. Althaea’s interpretation of the bones was extremely accurate, reflecting my current situation and my fears. The guidance to continue my daily Pagan practices was encouraging. I was thrilled to know the Ancestors were looking after my family. And it was boon to read that Powerful Ladies are looking after me! Recommend 100%. This is a different form of divination. I love how the bones “speak.” -Bellewitch66 |
Lady Althaea did a bone reading for me. As quite curious about them. She mentioned many things one being about ‘writing’. Writing would be in my future, quite soon in a job offer. This I was unsure of as I don’t write...but I illustrate. I have been asked to illustrate a book and to include some writing and poetry in it. Great reading, good insights. Will be having another one soon! -Seline |
As I scrolled through the services that Althaea offers the one that leapt out and grabbed me was the Ancestors Reading. I’ve always had a feeling of ‘not belonging’ and as I read the words Althaea had written I started to cry, because I suddenly felt like she had found my family. Something has shifted within me and I now feel like I’m becoming a whole person, which is remarkable. I can’t recommend her highly enough. This is a real heart and soul connection, a link to the truth. Thank you. -Wendy Peacock
I walked in skeptical and came out feeling vulnerable yet understood. The clarity, specificity, and insight I received from my bone reading has left me feeling nothing short of amazed. |
Lady Althaea's reading was nothing short of amazing. I don't know why I am still amazed by people with incredible gifts, but she is truly gifted and insightful. It was as if she took the thoughts out of my head, and for those thoughts that were puzzling to me (she knew what they were), she provided insight into them. I will go back to this reading again and again as there are gold nuggets that I need to revisit so that I can fully process and digest her wisdom. I soooooo highly recommend Lady Althaea and will definitely reach out to her again when I have need of spiritual guidance. -Kate |
At the recommendation of one of my closest friends, I reached out to Lady Althaea in the midst of a yearlong transition, feeling exhausted and uncertain about the future and wondering how I could make sure to not repeat past mistakes. Three months later, as I look back on that reading, there's an even more substantial resonance than when I first received the reading. I'm so thankful I invested in this reading with a reader whose craft and approach are different from mine -- this really opened up new avenues of insight. Althaea obviously has a close and positive relationship with her set of bones, and the messages she receives from them are clear, firm, and affirming without fluff or artificial ingratiation. Thank you so much!
-Diana Rose
My bone reading from Althaea was amazing! She was thorough, and gave me a lot of information to chew on for a while. The reading was profoundly insightful, giving me a few aha moments! I recommend an in-depth bone reading if one is seeking clarity in their lives. |
I had my first in-depth reading from Althaea a year ago. I have recently revisited it again and can see now, even more so than I did then, how accurately she captured and drew out the threads of each area that I enquired about. Althaea's readings are thorough, astute and speak clearly to her experience and gifts as a bone thrower. I have no hesitation in recommending them. |
That I asked someone else for scrying was over a quarter of a century ago. I am very happy to have asked Lady Althaea to read the bones. This reading was worth every single penny! -zwischenwald
I sought a bone reading during a very stressful time in my life when I felt like I was at a mental crossroads. My heart felt one way but my head felt another. The bone reading went against, in nearly every way, what my heart wanted, and I was very frustrated. The bones called for me to be patient during this time and sit with my feelings. Months later, after wanting to ignore the results of the reading altogether, everything became clear that my heart’s desire wasn’t something that could happen. Once that inner turmoil was resolved, even though it was after much time had passed, I can look back at my reading and see that it was correct, even though I didn’t want it to be at the time. I have much faith in these readings now as a result.
Being caught up in the craziest storm in my life, I decided to get an in-depth bone reading from Althaea. This is a huge step for me as I rarely go to anyone outside of myself; my practice is heavily internalized. But I was too close to this and some new perspective was needed.
I have no regrets and it was great help. I felt like I was given a life raft and a compass to better navigate what I was being tossed around in.
Much appreciated and I would like to visit another reading some time down the road.
Throwing the BonesBone divination can provide you with a clearer view of the many options available to you--even detailing which path would be the most advantageous and which would not be conducive to your goals. This snap shot of your possibilities, paired with often surprising details, helps you to better meet your challenges and plan your magick appropriately.
I've come to Althaea twice for bone readings. The most recent one was her ancestral reading service. The depth of insight and detail provided in that reading is absolutely invaluable to me. I've taken several days to absorb and process it all. Now I've set that information into action in my practice, which is already helping me to strengthen my connection to my ancestors. Althaea has a strong gift, and anyone coming to her for a reading is truly fortunate to have access to someone so skilled and personable. -Catherine Rose
I'm so thankful for Lady Althaea's bone reading. In a time of uncertainty about how to move forward in my calling, she was able to commune with my ancestors and offer very clear, helpful guidance in where to place my focus and how to take those necessary next steps. I am already seeing results from the small steps I've taken so far, and I look forward to working with her again in the future. -Anya Phenix |
This was the clearest and most direct reading that I have ever had. The clarity of the information given and explanations provided throughout were truly wonderful and I will definitely be getting future readings done when I feel the need for true guidance. |
I keep coming back to Lady Althaea for readings because of her accuracy and ability to cut through all the b.s. you can often find with lesser (or straight up fraudulent) diviners; she doesn't sugar coat, she doesn't twist things to tell you what she thinks you want to hear. I've recommended her services to friends and they've also massively appreciated her throwing of the bones. The wisdom she reads in the bones is poignant and has been ridiculously helpful. In short: I trust Lady Althaea. Working with her continues to be a wonderful and at times intimate experience. We're lucky to have her. -Carly
Incredibly happy with the professional touches brought to the reading from first contact to final summary. No sugar coating, aesthetic-centric ideology, or anything I've found from other "readers." Pure and simple knowledge of her craft leaving me with a fountain of wisdom to sift through - all which means a great deal to me. Worth every cent. -Tara |
I am so pleased with the results of my reading. Extremely accurate. This was my first "Bones" reading. Althaea explained everything thoroughly. Thank you for confirming my intuition. My mind is at ease and I can move forward knowing...in the end...all will be as expected. So it is. -Consuela |
I am a great fan Althaea's work. I loved her book on home warding, By Rust of Nail & Prick of Thorn and the Be a Local Witch course. Her writing and teaching style really resonates with me.
I requested a bone reading after coming to a crossroads in my life. Althaea's reading was exactly what I needed to hear to make a clear and informed decision.
Thank you Althaea, you have provided me with guidance and vision and helped me move forward on my spiritual journey and at the same time deepened my understanding of Witchcraft. -Jane
I purchased an in-depth bone reading from Althaea. Her work was thorough, detailed, and incredibly insightful. I gave only very vague input for the reading ("I'd like guidance on my spiritual path"), but everything Althaea said resonated with me at a deep level and was directly relevant to my current circumstances. |
I have gotten my fair share of readings from self professed psychics, tarot readers, and fellow witches. Never, even once, have I met a reader in the same league as Althaea. This was my second ancestral reading from her, and somehow she surpassed my already high expectations. I can not recommend her enough, and any words I use to sing her praises will do no justice, because the talent of this witch MUST be experienced to be believed. |
I have always felt that when my father suddenly died at the age of 50, he had left spiritually unresolved issues that he needed to make clear to me. All these years I have been searching for a genuine reader with real abilities who might be able to be that conduit; Althaea was the one. Thank you for giving me the means to see him rest easy and the tools to heal family trauma. Blessings upon you Althaea. -Vicky
My bone reading was incredible. So much to sift through, I keep rereading and seeing something new. Thank you for your hard work, Althaea! |
This experience was great! Lady Althaea’s reading was beautifully written and relayed, and provided much-needed guidance, reassurance, and perspective. I’ll definitely be back! -Susan H. |
Comfort. Guidance. Clarity. |
My reading was, in a word, illuminating. It helped solidify some things I had already been ruminating over, and showed me some unexpected obstacles in my path. It has given me an area of focus in my life and has helped me clarify my goals for myself as a witch. If you are looking for any sort of guidance or direction in your life, if you are at a crossroads, or if you just want clarity, I strongly recommend this incredible service.
-R Larsen
From the second I sent the money she was instantly in touch with me to let me no a date as to when I will receive my reading. |
It was up to my expectations. Very clear, to the point and explains about the process of bone reading and the process regarding my own question. Deep guidance. I will definetely trust Althaea when I feel the need of another reading. Thank you! |
This is my third time having Lady Althaea ‘throw the bones’ for me and, as always, Althaea provided a professional and clear reading, with all results from the reading explained in depth. Excellent communication and a great attention to detail. Althaea is very welcoming should you have any questions regarding your reading and will put it out there in black and white. No fluff or sugar coating anything. Highly recommend. |
I have been chewing on this reading for several days before leaving this review, because there is so much information to absorb. Althaea is a one of a kind reader; her impressions from the reading ALWAYS match the truths I already suspected but doubted within myself. Her readings are informative, easy to understand, and entirely worth every penny. She is an amazing witch and diviner with a truly unique talent. 10/10 would recommend. She will be my go-to divination expert from now on. -Courtney |
I have never had a bone reading done, so I wasn't sure what to expect and went for the simplest reading first. I can honestly say that Althaea far exceeded my expectations. First, her write-up was very informative, detailed and easy to follow. Second, she didn't embellish. If she didn't receive information about a particular aspect of my question, she said so. She gave me everything she received and didn't make up stuff to fill any perceived "gaps." Personally, I think such gaps are as much a part of the reading as the concrete information relayed. They represent things I am not supposed to be explicitly told right now and am meant to figure out for myself ... and I loved her demonstration of integrity around this! And finally, the information she *did* receive was so incredibly insightful and spot-on. She has helped me finally find clarity in what has felt like an eternally murky area of my life. I am so grateful she shared her service with me!!! -Dale
Althaea helped me a lot in the past two years with her insight and wisdom. |
My past life reading with Althaea was insightful and emotional. I gave Althaea some specifics in my life that I wanted addressed and I got some wonderful info that I can take and move forward with. Althaea was really responsive and honest throughout the whole process and I will definitely be back for more. |
It took me a few days to write this review, because I had to sit back and absorb all of the raw information that came to me through this reading. It was so saturated with truths that really resonated with me, and gave me a lot of stuff to chew on. As this was my first encounter with bone reading, I was not sure what to expect but it surpassed all expectations. I am now and will ever be a firm believer in Lady Althaea and her bones! |
The bone reading from Althaea really helped to illuminate the core issues I'm dealing with and also helped me to prioritize my direction. The confirmation of what I'm already feeling was there too, acting as a gentle guide to go forward and be more confident in my own inner awareness of the situations at hand. What I really appreciate about Althaea's readings is the way she communicates with clarity and insight, but also she leaves decisions and choices squarely on your own shoulders, encouraging a sense of responsibility for one's direction. This was my second reading and I will consult with her again as the need presents. Highly recommend!! |
My reading was a gift from a dear friend and I did not know what to expect. I received the packet from Althaea complete with lovely photos of the objects cast. The reading was insightful and right on point. It was packed with information and I continue to read it over. Every time I glean new ideas on moving forward. Althaea provided overarching themes as well as details, and all of it was so relevant to my question. |
Wow. I’m still in awe from my reading. Words can not express the depth and relevance of Althaea’s reading. She spoke of things that no one has ever known about me, difficulties that I have only struggled with inside. She knew about them. She also revealed to me some important details of family lineage, and gave me some insight as to who is looking out for me and how to find them. All I can say is get a reading. If you want to know more about the deepest parts of yourself and what to do with them, get the reading. This is invaluable. |
I have had multiple bone readings from Althaea and each reading has made an impact in my life. Not only are the readings in depth, specific, and beautifully presented, they challenge me to go deep within my self to work on the messages the bones have offered up.
I highly recommend Althaea to any and all who are looking for assistance through divination. She is beyond talented and listens to what is being asked and she has a unique and powerful relationship with the bones, spirits and guides with whom she works. -Jennifer
I've followed Althaea's work for some time, and based on her writings and teachings, felt strongly that she would be the one to help focus my path. I purchased an in depth bone reading and had a full detailed write up (10 pages! plus pictures) within the week. Though my question was vague and fairly unfocused, her reading was clear and concise. It struck home with discussion of my family as well as some of the road blocks currently impeding my path. She is a consummate professional and gifted reader. I'll definitely be utilizing her services again in the future as I continue to develop my path. -E Jove Johnson
I’m still digesting my bone reading from Lady Althaea. There was a lot of meat on those bones—which is a way of saying that Althaea packs a great deal of insight and meaningful content into her readings. She really hit the mark for me in several areas, keying in on my “psyche” and giving me new ways of looking at the things I’ve been (obsessively) trying to work through.
It’s always a relief when you can temporarily step outside the echo chamber of your own mind and get someone else’s perspective. But it’s especially valuable when someone with penetrating insight does it. Althaea provides that kind of insight, and she presents her readings in a professional and beautiful way, providing photographs of the fascinating objects that she uses to go deep, and explaining how these spiritually-charged objects guide her through the reading.
I’d work with her again in a heartbeat. -PJ
The wisdom of this reading is slowing being revealed. Lady Althaea's services have been very helpful. You can trust the spirits to guide her and you as move through this life. -Deborah |
Althaea is my go-to diviner and I have had a number of readings at this point. Do not hesitate to enlist her skills if you need help seeing what may well be looking you straight in the face. -Bex |
Lady A is my go-to when I need clarity or additional guidance on an issue, particularly at major crossroads and with spiritual matters. She's a diviner's diviner, and her services are that rare find of authenticity backed by years of experience and Doing The Work.
Her readings are precise and to-the-point, and often provide a new angle I hadn't considered or a path I'd assumed was blocked off. I always come away with insights and actionable points I can work on. These readings tell it like it is.
Lady Althaea is the real deal. I highly recommend her services!
-Mel melstery.com
This was my first reading with Lady Althaea, I chose the in depth bone reading, and it was perfect for me. She gave me perspective and a sense of calm and clarity over my situation. I would highly recommend her readings to anyone! |
Thank you so much for the reading, Althaea! The areas that were addressed are exactly what I need to focus on and it really helps to have your objective validation. I will certainly come back again sometime for your expert advice! |
I was completely intrigued, I’ve never heard of a bone reading. I was also a little unsure of what i would receive. I can say.. wow Althaea blew me away. The amount of information she was able to offer and depth to real life situations I hadn’t even shared with her - it was pretty amazing. I will be letting my friends k ow about this unique and high quality offering. I’m psyched I stumbled upon her. |
What a wonderful experience! There was such a depth to my reading and as I reread it I am finding more nuggets of insight. I am looking forward to working with you again. -Cheryl |
Wow... that was so intense but made complete sense to me. I’ve had visions all my life of running away from something and I was fleeing in the night. I always say or tell people “you can always just pack up and leave in the middle of the night”
This makes things very clear to me. My fear of commitment- both in love and in other matters. I am in a coven with a leadership role that I fought to and nail not to be in but felt obligated and called to do it. I struggle constantly with my “calling” for a spiritual life and the desire to just be “normal”
Thank you so much. I always enjoy readings from you, but this one was so powerful and raw to me.
-Jeremy, in response to a Past Life Bone Reading
Please if you are thinking about getting a reading....don't ponder it...DO IT!!! |
This reading left me feeling hopeful and that I knew Althaea had put her absolute best and every effort to give a truthful, genuine reading. Everything was very clearly explained. |
To say that this reading is accurate, is to underplay the deep levels of insight and understanding, both on a spiritual and personal level. Amazing! This could be the beginning of an annual event, highly professional service, highly recommended. |
Althaea provided a very comprehensive reading for me which was sensitive and comforting after a traumatic event. Her well explained divinations and images identifying the cast bones were incredibly helpful for someone who has never had my bones read/scryed before. |
Althaea’s reading has really given me a boost to pursue my creative goals with confidence. I felt that she gave me just enough guidance to trust my gut and move forward regardless of circumstance or the opinion of others. What a gift. I’m so grateful for her insights. Thank you, Althaea! |
I requested an in-depth bone reading concerning my spiritual path, and my questions were answered better than I could have hoped. My reading left me feeling inspired and positive, without coddling or absurd claims. Lady Althaea is detailed, professional, honest, and clearly knows her bones. Eerily, and wonderfully, spot-on! -Kiandra |
As a reader of tarot and diviner myself, I find myself being very circumspect and cautious over who I ask to read for me. Lady Althaea is someone who I will return to for readings whenever I need someone who is insightful, honest, and who does not hold back on their intuitive interpretation. The bone readings are really wonderful, and I'm grateful for the chance to work with someone who is down to earth yet still able to hear the spirits speak. |
Althaea is the real deal. She’s a straight-talking, no-nonsense practitioner of the Old Ways. She’s one of my favorite go-to resources when I’m feeling stuck and need some special insight … and for good reason. Her readings have blown me away on more than one occasion. Completely recommended without hesitation or reservation. |
I have had two readings and continue to learn the craft and about myself through the bones she has thrown. The detailed reports have given me goose bumps and inspiration. The bones have fine tuned my interest in the craft and how to cultivate my skills. Althaea has become a distant mentor for me. I recommend a reading and her book. |
This reading brought me to tears, it resonates very strongly with me on many levels. I will re-read it and try to understand more of what they are telling me. I will definitely be working with them (and heeding your advice about the 5th ancestor for the time being) to hear their gentle whispers. I feel very blessed that my ancient ancestors came to you for me and are so very wise and approachable. |
I've always been curious about this type of reading & I'm so happy to have gotten it. A lot of things that I have been feeling about my current situation came up here and this offered me a lot of clarity & insight. I'm very happy to have discovered [Althaea]. She is wonderful. :) |
I came upon Althaea by chance and I am so happy I did! I have never before worked with a medium such as Lady Althaea. Her integrity and authenticity in divining the Bones is unparalleled in my experience. When I really need guidance I reach out and I always grow from the exchange. |
Amazing Amazing Amazing ! She ALWAYS is on point and highlights those pesky areas that need thought ! I will ALWAYS use her services as her readings are extraordinary! |
The generous and gifted work of Lady Althaea is a Light and a Beacon of Support in these complex and often overwhelming times. Her intelligence and experience are obvious and vast. She is a rare gem of a practitioner. |
Your reading describes the situation right to the point! I'm completely amazed! And I'm deeply grateful for the perspective you show me! |
Awesome reading! It helps underlining my own intuition that can fade at times. Its a very important message i do appreciate very much. I think you are very good in reading and performing your routine. Wonderful skill and gig you offer here, and very elaborate explanation. Absolutely recommended! |
I am impressed with my reading, the quality of the reading was excellent, knows what she is talking about and is clearly very skilled at what she does. I found the reading to be insightful, significant and straightforward. She also gave me some articles to help with my situation. Highly recommend. |
I really enjoyed working with [Althaea], she gave a very insightful reading that helped me move towards my goal and intention with clarity and positivity. Her encouragement is quite motivating, and I'm glad I got the bone reading as well to see how it all will pan out. Thanks so much. |
This was an amazing and precise reading. [Althaea] nail it in every way possible. I will return soon. This is a reading I recommend to everyone. I LOVED THIS READING! |
Thank you so much! Very accurate!! Thank you for bringing to light some things that I had over looked! Will definitely buy again! |