The Universe has a certain order to things, rules that determine not just what can and cannot be but also how and why. While we may more than likely never come to realize even half of these Universal Laws, through introspection, contemplation, and rumination we can become aware of the existence of some of these Laws and the reach of their effects within our own lives. One of these such Laws has become apparent in my own life again. I've, unfortunately, not been able to come up with a catchy name for it and apparently neither has any of the few people that I've come across who are aware of it either. At best, I can only call it "Everything travels in Spirals." The scope of this Law concerns the progression of Time (for it is not linear, nor is it cyclic: it travels in a Spiral. Example, the passing of Winter always leads to Spring, but not to the same Spring rather a new Spring,) and the sequencing of events, as well as the interplay of Destiny and Free Will. It's effects are made manifest in everything from the arrangement of leaves along a flower stalk to the path a hiker takes when lost in the woods. The part that is of importance to me, at this time, is the part where when you miss an "opportunity" that the Universe has provided to you, that opportunity (though possibly in a slightly altered form,) will continue to manifest in your life for as long as it is able to, in other words, it spirals back until your choices render it unable to manifest any longer.
While on the one hand it is comforting to think that the Universe does have a plan, there have been few indicators (i.e. signs, omens, synchronistic events, etc.) to suggest just what the plan may be. But, none-the-less, certain situations are appearing in my life again. Will I make the right decision this time? Have I grown enough as a person to be able to determine just what the right decision is? Will the Universe even allow a decision on my part, as these situations have appeared before and I chose wrong and now the energy and momentum building behind them is so great that it literally feels like I have no choice but to go with the flow or be crushed against the rocks. We will see.
10/31/2017 04:58:06 pm
I think The Doctor said it best in "Doctor Who." "Wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey." Comments are closed.
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