Like many witchy folk, I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as coincidence. I believe that, same as the tools we use for divination, the objects, people, and events in our lives can be indicators of current energetic patterns within the Universe. Now, however, this does not doesn't mean we should drop everything because we dreamt about crows last night, and then this morning two crossed our path coming from the left (clearly, an ominous harbinger of disaster,) but rather that, like with all things, a great deal of common sense should be employed; other factors must also be taken into account (ticking with the above example, this isn't a "sign" of anything if there are always crows out in the morning, which is common this time of year, at least in Wisconsin...) Within my own life, I've noticed that there are indeed signs that come up indicating if one is on track or not. Perhaps I should first explain that I believe in the existence of Fate. However, I also believe that there is free will, and it is the two of these, working either together or against each other, that determines the flavor of our lives. I've noticed that the small things seem to be easily changeable, but sometimes larger things are just beyond our control, and no matter how many times we choose against it, no matter how hard we work to avoid it, some situations keep spiraling back until either a) we make the "right" decision, or b) that situation is no longer able to be brought back around again. Okay, so now back to my point...
I've noticed their are indicators when we are or are not making the right choices based upon what the Universe has in mind for us. When we are making the right choices, things are easier, happy accidents happen more often, life is good. But, expectedly, when we aren't making the right choices, aren't doing what the Universe wants us to be doing, things just suck (in varying degrees, depending upon how badly we're mucking up our lives.) It goes along with the one Universal Law (some call these the Laws of Magick, I like to be a bit broader in my name for it though the effects, implications, are the same,) that the Universe always takes the most direct route. This means that the Universe is going to bring about the necessary change however it can most easily do so (so if that means finally getting you to quit that job working with those horrible people by causing your car to break down, preventing you from being able to go to work, so be it!) But, blame it on our culture, blame it on human nature, for whatever reason, we are always more likely to take notice of the bad than the good. As such, it's easy to tell when we're off track. But, getting back on track, then, is so difficult! The signs are there, but who knows what the Universe is saying! I find my own life (and of course, the lives of everyone in family) to be at that point right now. There have been some really hard changes brought about, forcing us from a situation that wasn't working for us. Granted, we were working to get out of it, but apparently we weren't doing so fast enough. (sigh) I've determined that part of the reason for so hard of a push was because this was the only to truly change our mindset (this being mine and my husband's,) and this was the change that needed to happen. But, now what? There have been some instances of synchronicity, little things (so small that my husband dismisses them,) but I've yet to discern a patter or some sort of indication as to what steps we are to take next, what direction we are to try and aim ourselves. Fingers crossed and eyes open. Comments are closed.
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January 2023