We've been in the new house for about five days now. Needless to say, there is a small trail winding amongst the piles of boxes that leads from one room to the other. We are slowly getting things pulled together, but none of the larger furniture has made it yet, so it feels as if we're camping ...indoors. School has me stressed at the moment, midterms are next week, a paper due this week; time is flying by.
And today! Summer Solstice! Almost missed it, my mind's been so preoccupied. We hadn't really planned anything as we've been more concerned with buying a house and moving into it. But, we still celebrate the way we would have normally, excluding anything that involves going outside because it's cold and raining. So, tonight: too much food, singing, dancing, and leaping a flaming cauldron! We need this. Stress has taken its toll, and we're all showing the signs. Not to mention the fact that husband got Limes Disease. This past week has just been crazy! But, as a beautiful side-note: as I type this, the children are on the floor coloring. Titus has declared that he's making wards for everyone's rooms. He's a bit of a sensitive, like his daddy, so I do wonder if he's noticed anything here. I awoke this morning to the smell of cigarette smoke in the house. The windows were open, but it was pouring outside, and once I was fully awake: the smell was gone. I do wonder... Comments are closed.
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January 2023