I noticed a while ago that there is a direct correlation to the state of my kitchen and the state of my mind. This does, of course, extend to the whole house, but is so much more noticeable with the kitchen. I find myself lethargic, befuddled, apathetic, and just blah when my kitchen is a disaster. And, unfortunately, my kitchen tends to be a disaster more often than I'm proud of. So, this was inevitable. I'd been sipping cleansing teas all day, trying to focus on school work (going back to school is so much worse than the first time, your brain sort of goes stupid somewhere during the lull...) and so of course being distracted by everything. The final distraction was the pile of leaves next to the computer, freshly fallen from my fading Basil.
For me, Basil has always been a comforting plant, one for luck and success. I thought of this as I grabbed as many of the leaves as I could from the floor and then went to get the vacuum. The kids were sent to clean their room. We finished quickly, but the madness continued. I cleaned the bathroom. Even the toilet. Considering I'm the only female (excluding babe in diapers) this is truly a scary ordeal. The children and I continued the cleaning rampage, all through the house. We even rearranged the plants for more optimal light and watered them. Then, having thoroughly cleaned, it was time to cleanse. Titus and I prepared a green chalice with Consecrated Water, this would be his domain. Atticus happily held a stick of smoldering incense, Aurora a large metal pentacle covered in bells and crystals from my family's land. I equipped myself with a candle. About the house we went, a merry little procession. I led, chanting all the while, Atticus gleefully followed second, picking up the chant. Titus came next, sprinkling everything profusely, and Aurora, smiling, brought up the rear, proudly holding up the pentacle and shaking it so the bells would ring. It was our best cleansing yet. Everyone was so focused, so involved. The feel afterwards was blissful; I hadn't realized just how much gunk had accumulated. It's easier to breathe now, to think. I feel less paranoid, too. We finished by setting up a small altar in the kitchen (a usual staple for us, one that had been missing since we moved in) and then made food. The night was less stressful than it has been recently and the children fell asleep effortlessly. I hoping for as much. And, maybe to finish that paper I was working on. Comments are closed.
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January 2023