Regardless of what method you favor and whether you prefer to read for yourself or to have someone else read for you, divination can be a powerful tool to help you navigate coming obstacles, to more fully take advantage of opportunities, and to realize things that you may be missing. It can help you to make decisions, to reveal choices you didn’t know you had, and to warn you of some pretty nasty shit headed your way. But, there is a lot that divination cannot do for you. Divination Cannot Accurately Predict the FutureIt’s natural to want a better idea of what’s going to happen to us in any given situation. Humans have an innate fear of the unknown that is intricately tied up with who we are and it’s difficult to not only become consciously aware of this but to choose to overcome it. None-the-less, many people approach divination as if the messages revealed are unarguable and indicative of an unchanging future -even if we know better. How many times have you approached a reading, seen an unfavorable indicator, and had your heart sink? How many times have you chosen to worry about that indicator rather than do something to change or avoid it? Yeah, me too… And that’s where we go wrong. Whether you read Tarot, oracle cards, ogham, runes, or throw the bones, divination can only show you possibilities. Think of the messages your reading provides as signposts on the road of life, but signs that indicate intersections and not the name of the street you’re on. Except in certain circumstances, there are decisions and choices you can make that can and will dramatically change coming events and prove your divination reading’s outcome as false -but not because the reading was inaccurate but because divination is not predictive science. Divination is a glimpse into the realm of most likely possibilities, a snapshot of universal energies as they currently are in regards to a situation. Possibilities and currents can and do change. You are an Autonomous BeingLike it or not, you have a choice in the outcome of your life. Destiny and Fate only take you so far; free will is still a very active and important part of your life and experiences. Laying everything on the feet of Fate is a cop-out and an excuse. It enables you to not try, to be afraid, and to not take responsibility for consequences that are very much the result of your choices. Fate does have a hand in things, however, large universal forces rarely give a damn about the inconsequential things that are so often attributed to them. If you order books online and they show up a day late, that falls on the delivery service -not the Universe. If you happen to find $20 laying on the sidewalk, that’s luck* -not because it was “meant to be.” It’s a simple fact of reality that each of us is just a speck when considered in the greater context of all the universe encompasses. Suggesting, let alone expecting, that a governing force within the universe has a soft spot for you or is going out of its way to make sure you got a deal on your morning latte is just absurd. It falls as only logical natural that if a large universal force (such as Fate, Destiny, the Universe, or a Prime Creator) has a direct hand in the course of events in our lives that it will be for large matters and not small things that you don’t even remember the next day. Not everything is a message or a sign. Trusting your Reading & Relying on your Reading are not the SameWhen you read for yourself and/or read for others, it is important to trust the messages that your divination readings are showing you. This helps to strengthen your intuition and make your readings more accurate. But there’s a big difference between accepting your readings as truth and accepting them as possibilities.
Divination can provide insight into a situation, identify current trends in your life, and reveal character faults that need to be addressed. It can help to provide a new perspective and objective view when making an important decision, but it cannot be used to accurately predict the future. It is unfair to yourself, to the person reading for you, and to the method you’re using to demand such results. *And maybe the result of some well-played magick on your part. Nicely done. Comments are closed.
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