Including children in ritual can be a very warm and rewarding experience. Though if one’s never Circled with children before, planning a ritual to include them may leave one drawing a blank. Children have a natural interest and curiosity for all the natural world and they take easily to magickal workings. They also function on a more spontaneous and open level, versus the methodical and rational level that adults tend to operate from so planning a ritual for kids is actually much simpler than planning a ritual for adults. But, given that adults and children do function differently, there are some things to keep in mind that can make the ritual more enjoyable for everyone involved. 3 Tips for Including Children in Ritual
Other Articles You May Like Teaching Children Paganism Ritual Construction Composing a Ritual 2/12/2012 04:10:22 am
Another great reference post I'll have to bookmark! Thanks!
2/16/2012 01:22:32 am
Thank you, Kourtney, I'm glad you found this helpful!. :) 5/1/2012 02:00:47 pm
we currently have 2 toddlers, one preschooler, one 1st grader and a teenager in our circle. To see them perform a ritual alsong with their parents have made grown witches come to tears. It truly is a magickal experience.
5/8/2012 02:47:06 am
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