Many religions feature an altar as part of their worship and Wicca is no different. But, despite what many would have you believe, an altar is more than just a place to store your magickal tools.
An altar is a dedicated space to your interaction with your Gods, that is why when you are not actively using your altar it is more precisely called a *shrine. An altar is a sacred place where you call your Gods and sing Their praises, where you leave offerings for Them and ask for assistance. It is also a place where you do your magickal work, where you keep long-term spell items or charms worked at a distance for someone. Outside of specific Traditions of Wicca and other Neo-Pagan religions, there is no standard altar set up. That means if you are a solitary practitioner your altar can look however you desire -with whatever tools you want on it. There are, however, some general guidelines to the layout of an altar. |