One of the most basic tools in a witch's kit is candle magick. The reasons for this come down to the versatility of a candle and the ease of acquiring one but more so to the simplistic nature of this form of magick: it's very easy to both learn and use effectively.
Magickally, the candle is appropriately aligned to the element of Fire, though it is one of few items that truly possess all the elements simultaneously. The flame of the candle is obviously Fire, the melted wax corresponds to Water, the smoke is of Air, and the candle itself is Earth. This balance of elements makes it a perfect choice for all types of magick, such as protection, healing, prosperity, and love. More elaborate methods can be included to heighten the power of a candle spell, but in the end the basic format is always the same: you light a candle and focus. Next week, we'll go over a basic candle spell together, highlighting areas where it could be elaborated to heighten the power of the spell. Until then, feel free to stock up on supplies! Part 2 Last week we went over a short introduction to candle magick. Let’s review: candle magick is a form of fire magick, as such, results can be achieved quite rapidly, but like all magick, results may not manifest or be obviously apparent for an entire Lunar cycle. Candles correspond to the element of Fire but also possess the other three physical elements, making them ideal for all sorts of magick. Now, as promised, this week we’ll go over a spell together, step-by step. Our aim will be for personal protection, as this is a very common and useful goal for anyone. As with any magickal working, it is first necessary to be prepared and to be somewhere where you won’t be disturbed. The only tools that will be needed for this spell are a candle (preferably red, as this is a great color for protection magick,) a means to light it (lighter or match is fine,) and a heat proof surface upon which to burn the candle (don’t throw common sense out the window: a good witch is a smart witch, and a smart witch doesn’t burn their candles where they’ll start a larger fire!) You may cast a Circle about yourself and call upon the Elements, any Gods, Goddesses, or Spirits if you wish: this can heighten the power of the spell but isn’t necessary for the spell to be effective. You could also time the spell for extra energy, that is perform the spell at the appropriate Lunar or Solar phase, the time of day (the hours are ruled by different planets, each corresponds to different sorts of energies and performing the spell in the hour of that planet will utilize the energy of that planet,) or based upon astrological information, such as what planets are in what signs. Again, these are all optional! Do not feel pressured to use any of these methods. Like I said last week, a good witch uses common sense, and common sense says that sometimes the simplest and most practical methods are the most effective. And while we’re on the subject: it’s not necessary to have a fancy candle, either. I’ve worked more than a few spells with birthday candles (they come in a variety of colors and are small enough that they burn out quickly) and had excellent results. Now, to work the spell: Calm yourself. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly, feel all stress melt from your body and move down into the Earth. Focus on your goal. See yourself safe from anything that could hurt you, be it physically, mentally, or emotionally. The absolute, most important thing here is that you see yourself protected, not that you will be protected but that you are protected. If your focus is that you will be protected that is where the energy will go: into maintaining that you aren’t protected, but you will be. Focusing on that you are protected, right now, makes manifest that protection. In magick: your focus must be on you already having attainted your goal. You are protected, you have that new job, you are in a loving relationship, et cetera. To add extra strength to the spell, you could inscribe symbols for your goal on the candle, or simply words to that effect. You may also bless the candle, sprinkle a circle of herbs around it, ring it with crystals, anoint it with oil, etc. However: this is not necessary; your spell will still be effective if you choose not to. Now, light the candle. Maintain focus on your goal. Feel that energy rising in you, send into the candle and thus out into the Universe where it will come to be. If you like, you may say something at this time to further assert your goal. This may be a small incantation, a request to whatever Gods you may have called, or simply a proclamation to the Universe. This is optional, but can help. Keep your focus for as long as you are able. When you feel the time is right or you cannot focus any longer, you may put out the candle (snuffing it or pinching out the flame is preferred, as blowing out the candle can be seen as offensive to the Element of Fire,) or you may leave the candle to burn itself out. NOTE: if you are going to leave your candle lit, it should be somewhere where there is little or no chance of it causing a fire, such as in your bathtub. This is still EXTREMELY ill advised. NEVER leave a burning candle unattended. The Fire Element is known to play tricks. What to do with the candle remnants? This depends on the goal of the spell. In most cases, they should be disposed of. If you put out your candle it should not be used for another spell: this would be detrimental to that spell as the candle is imbued with the energies of the previous spell. This could also have a negative effect on the previous spell, as well. If your candle is made of natural materials (i.e. beeswax or soy) you could bury the remnants, preferably not on your property, or you can just toss it in the trash, as is the only way candles that aren’t made of natural materials should be disposed. Magick is not an excuse to litter. As our goal is protection, it would be suitable to keep the candle remnants as an amulet to aid in the protection; this is, of course optional. Now, to avoid getting in the way of the energies you just sent out, it’s important not to think about your spell. You cast it, now forget about it. Also, telling others about your spell before it has shown results can work against, too. And that’s all there is to it. Have fun! |