The Dark Moon is not truly well suited to magickal endeavors; rather, this time is better spent by focusing inward. Divination is appropriate, as it is a means to connect with one’s intuition: “that little voice” inside of ourselves. Another method to utilize at this time of heightened Crone energy is meditation. Meditation is a means of quieting the conscious mind, allowing the subconscious to come forth and enabling us to connect with our Higher Self, as well as any Spirit Guides, and even our Gods. It can foster greater relaxation and helps in dealing with stress, even if only done for a few minutes. Anyone can meditate, even small children. However, you will be the one to determine if and when your child is able to start meditating. Some kids will be able to learn how at about age 3, others perhaps not until 8. How soon is not an indication of anything in regards to your child, after all, there are many adults who struggle with meditation.
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aka Lughnassadh The first of the Harvest Holidays and marking the beginning of Autumn, this is the harvest of grains. The bounty of the Earth has ripened and now sacrifices itself so that other life may continue. The days are still warm, though the Sun weakens. Preparations are begun for the long Winter ahead. Common Lammas Traditions
These are just a few of the many traditions that many Witches, Wiccans, and Pagans enjoy in celebration of Lammas.