In two previous articles, we covered the basic steps present in most Wiccan rituals (Ritual Construction) and some important things to keep in mind when writing your own ritual (Composing a Ritual,) be it a solitary or group ritual. Now, I’ll give an example of a Full Moon ritual based upon these steps and key points to keep in mind. This ritual is written for the solitary practitioner, but could be converted for a small group of 2 -3 people; it would not be suitable for any more than that. It is written to include only the most basic of items, for it is the intention and sincerity of the person performing the ritual that matters most –not the number of shiny tools and flaming candles. The purpose is to align the person performing the ritual with Lunar energies and allow them to more strongly feel the effects, power, and influence of the Moon within their lives. It calls upon the Elements and Deity in the guise of Moon and Sun. This ritual is suitable to be performed in or outdoors, and should take less than an hour to complete. If you have any questions as to format, word usage, intent, etc, don’t hesitate to comment or contact me for clarification. For this Ritual you will Need:
Creation of Sacred Space
Casting the Circle
Cast about a Circle, round; Strong as Iron, Light as Sound.
Inviting Various Spirits and DeitiesCalling the Quarters: Invoking the Elements
The Moon shines bright upon the Earth; All are gathered in Her praise.
The Night Air decked in Silver light, All are gathered to sing Her praise.
A flash of Silver, stirring the Fire within us, All who gather feel the warmth of Her embrace.
Tidal waters and emotions surge in Her presence, All are gathered in Her love.
Calling the Gods: Lady Luna and Lord Sol
Sweet Mother of the Starry Night, Shining One of Beauty, Descend here, with Your Silver Light, Bless me with Your presence.
Strong Father of the Radiant Day, Fiery One of Glory, Descend here, with Your Golden Ray, Bless me with Your presence.
Body of Work: Honoring the Goddess at the Full Moon
Mother Goddess, riding high, shining down upon us, Silver light that casts no Shadow, the Sun bows in Your presence. All are gathered here before You, singing praises in Your name. Glorious Celestial One, Within, Without: All are the same. Simple flame lit in Your honor, naught that can compare, wrap me in Your silver essence, Your love, that I might share.
Thanking the Attending Spirits and DeitiesThanking the Gods: as One
Merciful Mother, Fearsome Father, I stand here, your Child, Thankful for All that I am: All that You have given. Though, often I may forget my place in It All, Always am I aware of my Connection to It All. In Your Honor and Grace.
Thanking the Elements
The Lady sleeps and all the Earth is quiet.
The Lady sleeps and deep Waters hold still.
The Lady sleeps and Embers grow cold.
The Lady sleeps and the Winds are stayed. Dissolving Sacred Space
10/22/2013 07:25:56 am
Hi! I just started my learning a couple of weeks ago and I really wanted to do something for the full moon, I was so happy to find this since the items I needed to do it were easy to get. This was my first ritual and I wouldn't really call it a success( I didn't give myself a lot of time to prepare, I was just so excited and I didn't want to have to wait until the next full moon) I was able to remember the last little bit and recite it on my own, but I was so awkward with the rest XD I could feel the Goddess's amusement at my fumbling.. but this was a fun experience! Thank you for posting this! Blessed Be! :)
10/22/2013 07:49:56 am
I'm glad to hear that this ritual worked well for you! :) As I mentioned at the beginning, tools aren't really necessary for honoring one's Gods, what is important is your intent and sincerity, and it sounds as if you had that part nailed!
4/7/2015 11:28:14 am
what is the candle that you use your talking about for the middle is it the red candle? or can it be silver for the moon. for the center candle???
4/7/2015 11:36:47 am
Hello, Kelsey!
7/1/2015 02:47:09 am
Hi Althaea,
7/1/2015 03:24:43 am
Hello Shobha,
7/1/2015 07:35:02 am
I really like this, I too will try this tonight, I have been studying for a year and have attended several rites but have yet to do one on my own, I'm very exited to try this one it seems simple, not to complex so that i can focus on connecting with the God and Goddess, thank you for sharing this
7/1/2015 08:00:44 am
Best of luck to you, Anna! That is exactly the intent of this ritual. Too many rituals are needlessly complicated, calling for altar set ups cluttered with tools that have no use in the ritual and are hard to come by. But, the point of ritual is to leave changed from how you were when you entered. With this ritual, the hope is that you leave changed due to communing with the energies of the Moon, aligning yourself with those energies, and pulling its influence into your life. I hope it works well for you and hope it inspires you to do further work on your own.
8/28/2015 10:15:36 pm
Merry meet , I have been studying for close on a year and love this ritual will be doing it tonight simple and lovely
2/10/2017 01:39:07 pm
With it being a full moon and a lunar eclipse I thought I would do a whole house cleanse before doing my first lunar ritual. I wasn't sure how big my circle of stones should be but I think it worked I felt very grounded after and quite calmed.
2/12/2017 11:07:41 pm
Hello Tracy!
5/9/2017 02:56:23 am
Merry Meet! I just started learning/practicing about a month ago and I wanted to do something tomorrow for the full moon because it'll be my first as a Witch, and I want it to be special. Do you have any tips?
5/9/2017 07:26:32 pm
Hello Mia!
6/23/2018 04:32:38 pm
Hi Althea, I would like to try this ritual on the next full moon but I’m wondering if I’m able to write down the verses or of its better to memorize them?
6/25/2018 12:56:51 pm
Hi there! I am wondering the same as Sisu!
6/28/2018 10:38:55 am
Hello Sisu,
8/26/2018 09:31:31 am
I was told there was wine involved? That you had to have a glass and give the rest to the earth?could I still do that? If so where in this ritual would i do that?
8/28/2018 01:11:29 am
Hello Grace,
Mary Allbright
7/17/2019 11:40:59 am
I loved this solitary ritual. I did it last night on the full moon of the 16th of July and felt so in tune with the Goddess and God! Thank you for this. Comments are closed.