aka Purification Day, Lady Day, Brighid’s Day, and Candlemas The Earth held firm in icy Winter’s grasp, but the Sun grows stronger in power. Each morning, since the Solstice, He rises a little earlier; each evening He sets a little later. But now, this day, the Lady feels His presence and begins to stir. The Sun climbs higher, shining stronger, and at last the ice breaks, melts, and water flows, washing away the debris that has collected since the Fall. The Earth, purified, now awakens fully; the Lady opens Her eyes. As testament to this fact a few brave creatures also awaken and so, too, do the trees and a few adventurous plants. Imbolc is a Fire festival, held in honor of the growing strength of the Sun and the awakening of the Earth from Her Winter’s slumber. On this day, candles will be lit, to both mimic and encourage the Sun, and snow will be ritually melted to both mimic and encourage the Earth. This day marks the start of Spring, a changing season, whose focus is upon beginnings and renewal. For this fact, Imbolc is also a day of purification and beginnings.
Purification is an interesting process. Similar to cleansing, in magickal practice, for they both remove things, they are however quite different in focus and intent. With cleansings, the point is to remove that which is unwanted in order to be rid of it. But with purifications, the goal is on moving forward unburdened. This is fitting as this day does mark the start of Spring. What better way to start the new seasonal cycle than to be free of all which would hold us back, prevent our full enjoyment of the season, and limit our ability to harness this fertile energy and grow ourselves. As a celebration of beginnings, Imbolc is also a traditional day of initiations*. In many Wiccan and Traditional Initiatory Witchcraft Traditions , Imbolc marks the day that individuals will be initiated into that Tradition and, thus, forever changed through the energy transference that takes place in that ceremony. However, for solitaries, this day is well suited to Dedication Ceremonies, either for the first time, or in renewal, be that dedication to one’s path or to one’s Gods.Today is also a suitable day for Wiccanings. On this day, then, as the Sun shines stronger releasing the Earth from the ice, let go of that which confines you. Don’t stop to acknowledge or analyze it, just let it go and move on. Let the gentle, growing strength of the Sun aid you in this release. Move forward unburdened. Let that be your beginning. *Initiations as in “being initiated into something,” not initiate as in “to begin something.” Other Articles You May Like: Common Imbolc Traditions Spring: Life Begins Again The Rite of Wiccaning Comments are closed.